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LAUREN! You actually read my blog? XD You have no idea how surprised I am that people still come across my awfully dead and dull little "under construction" blog!
So, it been halfway through about holidays and in about a month time, a new chapter of our life begins. We are gonna be FORM 4! That's where the real difficulty begins, or so what most people said. On the contrary, I'm actually pretty hyped up for next year. Though I have to constantly remind myself that I must not be lazy and slack too much especially my curricular activities. But there's also a list of things I dread for next year.
Okay, putting that aside, we should still indulge ourselves with this very sweet freedom while it still last. My holidays are so far quite relaxing and productive. I got to be the one of the most 'rajin ass' during the holidays. I didn't study OF COURSE! I did a lot of kumon worksheet and practiced my piano. And finally spent days out with my dear friends. Let's see, I danced and cosplayed for the first time! Yes I know, I COSPLAYED. And I eat. I read 6 novels (achievement for a non-bibliophile person)! Finished Hunger Games trilogy. I draw, paint, sketch, watch disney movies. Finally, what nearly everyone is doing, SURF THE NET and YOUTUBE.
My dear primary school best friend, Li Anne slept over my house and we talked non-stop until the next night when she left. :( Man, I miss you so freaking much! Wish we were in the same school. After 4 years of distance, our friendship is still endless eh!
Too bad my holidays are not filled with exciting vacations like my friends. But it's okay. I hope I'll get my chance next year. Well, I'm going back to Penang in 4 days time. And that's enough to excite me! Can't wait to laugh like a maniac with my crazy cousins.
Wow, that's quite a rant! :P Till I see you again.
See ya~
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