Yes, I know, my blog is forever under construction. :P Oh well.
Won't be blogging much, in fact, so seldom you'll think I quit. Maybe I would. :D
I'm starting to lose my blogging mojo. Besides, I think most people are starting to lose it too.
Well, I'm just gonna do a short brief post about my holidays and school?
Holidays was pretty great actually. I spent most of my time with family. Holidays are to spend time with family right? It was especially really fun when my two cousins came over and we had loads of fun. I could talk and laugh with them so much that my stomach hurts. And do crappy stuff like messing with make ups like silly girls. And then I went to Penang and of course, stay up till god knows what time laughing like mad talking about craps! Sadly, this time my sis couldn't come. But still, it was an absolute awesomely fun 2 weeks.
Ngaw, I miss my siaw sampat kia cousins. The boys are definitely growing up! We look kind of BBQ-ed here because we had BBQ for dinner. :D
And of course I went out with my friends a few times. Had sleepover with sue lin and amanda lim, it was a pretty last minute thing. They said I talked in my sleep. *oops* And I went out to watch movie with my best friend, amanda irdina. :)
And GAH, back to school. I received Christmas pressies from my two very dear friends. Couldn't be more elated! Hee.
Hmm, one week down and it was, exhausting. Well, first week of school is always that way!
51 more weeks to go!
That's a brief post.
Till I update again! Let's have a great two oh wan one. :)
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